My Dolls:

I have loved dolls ever since I was five and have never once for a minute stopped. That is my story; plain and clear.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

From Mia

Today is my first blog. Life is full of wonders and imagination. Today was the last day of school. This August I am moving up to 8th grade. This summer I plan to volunteer at my local theatre's costume shop. I love theatre and why not be around something I love? I also plan to write a story. My English teacher, Ms. Burnes, said we had a choice of a summer project. I chose writing. I get my inspiration from Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and all of those old fashioned writers. But this is a blog. So I'll tell you what I've been up to lately. Me and my sisters are filming a movie called Charming Tranquility. We've already started filming some and we're very excited for it. Our inspiration, the reason we have a blog and a movie in mind, is Starlightharp. I just wanted to write that in my blog. We have a plot sort of pieced together already and we have about 4 or 5 minutes so far. It may not seem like so much write now but soon, it will be great! Well, that's bascially all I have to say.

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